

My First Store

Here are some pictures from a table that I opened @ Patapsco Market during Black History Month.
 I was surprised by the support that I received, and I even had a few people thank me for doing something positive. 
Overall, my first store was a great experience, and I learned enough to now know what I'll need to do to open my own official store someday.


New Page Tuesdayz

New Pages Tuesdayz: I did this portrait of "Baby Yohannes" for a friend/ Sister of mine. 
After a year of not doing any "traditional" portraits, it's nice to know that I still got it...



New Page Tuesdayz

New Page Tuesdayz: In honor of Woman's History Month, I though I'd also do some portraits of some incredible Woman who have also had a tremendous impact on history: i.e. Michelle Obama.
This is the rough drawing, I hope to have it done by next week...


New Page Tuesdayz

New Page Tuesdayz: Finally finished the Martin Luther King piece.
I did my best to capture the essence of such a great man.


2nd Book Signing update

Well, had my second book signing @Beyond Comics yesterday, and it. was. Amazing!!! I sold almost every book that I came with, and met a lot of awesome people! Thanks to all those who came through. I appreciate it.