

Mt. Hip-Hopuz

 Introducing my latest art project titled: Mt. Hip Hop-Hopuz. Inspired by Mt. Olympus, it show cases 12 illustrations of influential Hip-Hop Artist infused with 12 notable, corresponding Mythological Gods. This project is meant to be seen as a social commentary on Pop Culture & the way we worship celebrities today. The release date for the completion of this project is 10/10/15. I hope you enjoy viewing the art as it's released, as much as I enjoyed creating it for you to see.
 First up: Jay-Z as Jay-Zeus. That one was a no brainier. Lol
  Here are the list of Mt. Hip-Hopuz Gods in order of appearance. You maybe able to decipher some of the Artist names easier than others. They'll all be made clear in due time... Next up: Beyoncé Juno...

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