


New company name, new company logo. I've been thinking about this change for a while now, and I thought today would be a perfect day to make it offical. 
Everything hasn't been changed over yet, and that will take some time. But from now on, this will be the new name & logo of this company, and today: 12/12/12, is the date of it's official Birthday.



One year ago, on this date, I released the first issue of M Street Battlez. So to celebrate the anniversary of the book, I wanted to post a sketch idea that I had for a new cover.
The cover will basically be a collage of the main characters in the first issue, and it will be awesome when it's finished. Happy B. Day M Street Battlez! 



Throughout this election year, I've been working hard to create images of President Obama in order to promote his campaign, & hopefully help him get re-elected.
  In so doing, I've worked with Obama supporters in fraternities, & sororities from Baltimore MD, all the way to Cincinnati Ohio, and I've even been contacted by people working directly on the Obama campaign with request for designs.
I then added these designs to t-shirts that were worn to Obama rallies around the country, and were even seen by the First Lady, and the President himself! 
I believe that art has a way of communicating/promoting an opinion, and I'm ecstatic  to see that all the hard work, donations, and dedication that us Obama supporters have put in has paid off!
Congratulations on your re-election President Obama, & here's to 4 more years!!!


MPulzion Giveawayz

With the election approaching, I'd like to start, randomly, giving away shirts and prints on the MPulzion Facebook page. 

Please place your orders before 10/31/12, so that you'll have them in time for election day. Because on that day, I don't think I'd rather be wearing anything else...


MPulzion Turns Two

Two years ago, on this date, I started MPulzion. It's been a long road, filled with long hours, & hard work, but I've enjoyed every minute, & I've learned lots of new things. To celebrate our 2nd year anniversary, I'm launching a new online store, with my first official products available for sale online: The limited edition Obama print, & T-Shirt.
It's always an interesting feeling when you release something you've created; weather it's art, music... Anything! You never know how people will respond. You ask yourself "Will they like this?" As always, I guess we'll have to wait & see. I'll keep you posted...


New Page Tuesdayz

Wow, it's been a while! I'm still busy with martial arts training, but I've made time to do some art work. I've redesigned the Obama piece that I did some months back, and I really like the way it came out. 
This print, as well as some t-shirts will be released in limited editions, & made available in my online store on 10/10/12. 10% of the of the proceeds will be donated to the Obama campaign, and I hope that we can all play a small part in helping President Obama get re-elected!


Kicks Karate

I'll be taking a break from drawing to focus on Martial Arts Training at Kicks Karate.
I may be a white belt now, but not for long...


New Page Tuesdayz

I know today isn't Tuesday, but today is the birthday of a good friend of mind, and this is who this drawing is for.
Happy Birthday Tiffany.


My First Store

Here are some pictures from a table that I opened @ Patapsco Market during Black History Month.
 I was surprised by the support that I received, and I even had a few people thank me for doing something positive. 
Overall, my first store was a great experience, and I learned enough to now know what I'll need to do to open my own official store someday.


New Page Tuesdayz

New Pages Tuesdayz: I did this portrait of "Baby Yohannes" for a friend/ Sister of mine. 
After a year of not doing any "traditional" portraits, it's nice to know that I still got it...



New Page Tuesdayz

New Page Tuesdayz: In honor of Woman's History Month, I though I'd also do some portraits of some incredible Woman who have also had a tremendous impact on history: i.e. Michelle Obama.
This is the rough drawing, I hope to have it done by next week...


New Page Tuesdayz

New Page Tuesdayz: Finally finished the Martin Luther King piece.
I did my best to capture the essence of such a great man.


2nd Book Signing update

Well, had my second book signing @Beyond Comics yesterday, and it. was. Amazing!!! I sold almost every book that I came with, and met a lot of awesome people! Thanks to all those who came through. I appreciate it.


New Page Tuesdayz

For this weeks New Page Tuesdayz, I'm finally posting the finished Malcolm X Piece:
No one in history has influenced my life more that Malcolm X.

I'm also posting the rough sketch of the Martin Luther King drawing: 
And finally, here is a pic of the Malcolm X piece, next to the Obama piece:
Both of these prints will be on sale at my book signing tomorrow.
Hope to see ya'll there!


2nd Book Signing!!!

OK, so let's try this again. I'm having my second book signing next week.

First one was not so great. But this one, as promised, will. be. epic!!!


New Page Tuesdays

This weeks New Page Tuesdayz happens to fall on the 47th anniversary of the day that Malcolm X was assassinated. Although he was taken from us, he will never be forgotten...
I'm taking my time with this one... it has to be perfect...


New Page Tuesdays

New Page Tuesdayz: Black History Month Project: Malcolm X rough drawing.


New Page Tuesdays

For this weeks New Page Tuesdayz, I'm posting the finished Barack Obama Print.
I chose to draw President Obama as the first person in my Black History Month project because, although he's only made recent history, he's definitely made a tremendous impact on Black History in America.


New Page Tuesdayz 1/31/12

OK, so I'm working on a new project for Black History Month, involving drawings of prominent Black figures. And for this weeks New Page Tuesdayz, I'm posting a rough sketch of a President Obama drawing  that I'm working on.
It may look ordinary now, but by next week, once it's finished, it will be extraordinary... 


New Page Tuesdays 1/24/12

NNew Page Tuesdays: This is a rough sketch of the latest Magna Man drawing that I'm working on.
I'm taking my time with this one. I want it to be one of the best drawing that I ever do.


My Modeling Photos

Well, being that today is my 29th birthday, I thought that it would be as good a day as any to post these photos...
One of many goals that I've set for myself was to become a model for my own clothing line. So when I started this company, I told myself that I wouldn't wear a shit in any picture until I had my OWN shirts to wear; hence the reason for so many shirtless pics in the past. 
Now that I have my own line, I have to wear the shirts in order to promote them. So sorry ladies, no more shirtless pics... for now... (It's not like y'all care
  I know one person that will be happy that I'll be wearing a shirt more often these days is my Mom. All she used to tell me was: Boy! Put a shirt on!
O.K. Ann Marie Mendoza... You win... Lol.