

New Page Tuesdayz 1/31/12

OK, so I'm working on a new project for Black History Month, involving drawings of prominent Black figures. And for this weeks New Page Tuesdayz, I'm posting a rough sketch of a President Obama drawing  that I'm working on.
It may look ordinary now, but by next week, once it's finished, it will be extraordinary... 


New Page Tuesdays 1/24/12

NNew Page Tuesdays: This is a rough sketch of the latest Magna Man drawing that I'm working on.
I'm taking my time with this one. I want it to be one of the best drawing that I ever do.


My Modeling Photos

Well, being that today is my 29th birthday, I thought that it would be as good a day as any to post these photos...
One of many goals that I've set for myself was to become a model for my own clothing line. So when I started this company, I told myself that I wouldn't wear a shit in any picture until I had my OWN shirts to wear; hence the reason for so many shirtless pics in the past. 
Now that I have my own line, I have to wear the shirts in order to promote them. So sorry ladies, no more shirtless pics... for now... (It's not like y'all care
  I know one person that will be happy that I'll be wearing a shirt more often these days is my Mom. All she used to tell me was: Boy! Put a shirt on!
O.K. Ann Marie Mendoza... You win... Lol.


New Page Tuesdayz

For this weeks New Page Tuesdays, I'm posting the art from pg 7.
This is actually the last page of art from the book... for now...


2011 Highlights

2011 is the year that MPulzion finally started to get off the ground. Here are some of last years highlights:

Last year was an amazing year, and we only officially started making releases in October of 2011. That's only 2 months! Imagine how productive MPulzion will be as we utilize all 12 months of 2012... 


New Page Tuesdayz

For this weeks New Page Tuesdays, I'm Posting the final art from pg 6.
This is easily one of my favorite pages... ever...


New Page Tuesdayz

For this weeks New Page Tuesdays, I'm posting page 6 of M Street Battlez.
On this page is the scene where Mirlin & Magna defeat there foes.



New product! This is a picture of the first T-Shirt that I'm releasing: The Blue Moon T-Shirt.

The design was inspired by the Blue Moon Collar worn by Remus. The blue disc in the collar symbolizes the rare blue moon, under which Remus is at his strongest, hence the tag line "BE WERE OF THE BLUE MOON". The orange splash represents the color of his fur, and the fangs were extracted from the mouth of a slain giant vampire. Simply put, the wearer of this color is not one to be messed with.
I only ordered 25 of these shirts, and as I was placing the order I wondered how I was going to sell them all? Then I looked at the growing list of all the people who pre-ordered one, and realized that I didn't even have enough! Guess I'll have to order more next time, which is a good thing... Thanks to everyone who placed an order!