


New product! This is a picture of the first T-Shirt that I'm releasing: The Blue Moon T-Shirt.

The design was inspired by the Blue Moon Collar worn by Remus. The blue disc in the collar symbolizes the rare blue moon, under which Remus is at his strongest, hence the tag line "BE WERE OF THE BLUE MOON". The orange splash represents the color of his fur, and the fangs were extracted from the mouth of a slain giant vampire. Simply put, the wearer of this color is not one to be messed with.
I only ordered 25 of these shirts, and as I was placing the order I wondered how I was going to sell them all? Then I looked at the growing list of all the people who pre-ordered one, and realized that I didn't even have enough! Guess I'll have to order more next time, which is a good thing... Thanks to everyone who placed an order!

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